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Sobering times

Hard on the heels of a light-hearted post about Facebook challenges and musical memories, I just heard of the death of a friend’s wife. 

They had been married for 61 years. For the past year or two they had lived apart, after she had to move to a residential care home. Aged 90, he not only soldiered on alone at home, but launched himself into new activities – mostly musical, which is where I met him – to keep his spirits and his mind active, whilst still visiting his beloved wife each day.

The past few weeks, of course, he has been housebound due to self-isolation. He had not been able to visit his wife for at least three weeks before she died and not at the end. The funeral arrangements will be difficult – or at least dictated by current rules and much restricted. 

Such deep sadness and pain, with nowhere to go. We will sing with him on Monday in our rehearsal session. I hope that will help a little.

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