Today has been weird. Most of it spent on the phone or emailing suppliers, trying to source suitable fabric for our local volunteer seamstresses to make into re-usable surgical gowns for the NHS. Yes, I have finally succumbed to the great volunteering effort and offered my old coordination and spreadsheeting services to a friend who was running out of hours in her day.
We have been chasing down medical grade fabric, but also exploring options with sail-makers and other outdoor equipment manufacturers.
Of course, the day has been punctuated by the newly-accustomed stream of WhatsApp messages. The latest of these, from a neighbour, requested us to look out for his tent which seemed to have been blown out of his back garden. My first thought was that one of our sewing ladies would have found it in her front garden, treated it as a ‘safe distance delivery’, and quickly fashioned a surgical gown from it.
Might be becoming slightly obsessed with water-proof breathable polyester micro fibre. Need to go and watch some escapism on TV.