Enjoying a particular facet of Facebook at the moment. I normally stick photos up there – usually of the plays I’ve seen or the views I’ve been fortunate enough to snap on my phone.
As I’ve said before, I don’t normally do these competitions or copy/paste lists, but in these strange times, one or two have appealed. I was challenged to post the cover art work of 10 albums that have influenced my tastes and my upbringing. Great fun, and made me think a bit too.
I was a shop assistant on Saturdays and holidays through my sixth form and university years and I could easily have listed 10 album covers which are ingrained on my memory from those years. Blondie’s ‘Parallel Lines’; Meatloaf’s ‘Bat out of Hell’; Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’; Jeff Wayne’s ‘War of the Worlds’; The Police ‘Regatta de Blanc’; Michael Jackson’s ‘Off the Wall’; BeeGees ‘Spirits Having Flown’; Genesis ‘Duke’; Dire Straits ‘Making Movies’; Springsteen’s ‘The River’. I chose different ones for my Facebook list – the shop ones are just those I remember selling most, not the ones which influenced me.
Interesting how it is bringing different people into the comments on Fb. Music and memories – always a good place to start.