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The Killing Lawns

Carnage in the back garden. 

Little piles of feathers on several days this week.  Every year this tempers the Spring joyfulness somewhat.

I don’t think it’s my own cats doing this – they’re not fast enough these days, and when they killed birds in younger days, they brought them in for us to admire. There are several feline visitors to our garden. In fact, at least two ‘guests’ help out with cleaning the feeding bowls when they think I’m not around.

Sadly, and completely unrelated to cats, I saw a pigeon fall onto our patio – I know not whence it fell – and gasp its last breath. Perhaps there’s something bigger at play in our garden? Not sure I go along with the various COVID or 5G theories though.

Hmm – just realised the title of this post may not be amusing for my neighbours: their surname is Lawn! Take care not to rearrange the words.

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