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Supper’s ready

I am destroyed. Teary eyed again.

Listened to the Genesis* track ‘Supper’s Ready’ for the last 23 minutes of my long walk in the park. It brought back yet more wracking memories of teenage years. I found I could remember most of the words and certainly all the melody. Including the time-signatures, recalling my father’s fascination with it (well, even if it was feigned fascination, it gave him something to talk to me about. He was not much enamoured of the music itself I recall).

Why am I so fragile with these memories at the moment? I guess there’s a lot of life-assessing (navel-gazing) going on in these strange restricted times. And an escape today from a hectic and stressful morning on the phone and email.

The track miraculously finished as I reached my front gate – what judgment! (High)

Sadly, there was no actual supper ready. (Low)

*Wondering why I’m listening to Genesis recently? I’m working my way through Phil Collins’s ‘Not Dead Yet’ autobiography on Audible, and every so often I just have to add a soundtrack.


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