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I’ve got style, at last

After agonising for weeks, and painting for days, I had reached something of an impasse in my redecoration attempt. I have finally banished the lilac walls under multiple layers of fresh white/grey paint (called some fancy name which currently escapes me without venturing back into the room where the nearly empty paint-pot sits – and I’m NOT going in there today), but I realised I still have no idea what to do with the floor or the window covering.

I consulted the previous occupant of the room (my daughter) but of course it is not really her choice or decision. Nice to have an opinion though, and that helped.

A discussion with Mr J ensued – not terribly helpful but I guess he tried. Anyway, I miraculously discovered that John Lewis do a free service offering style advice for home redecoration projects. Not something I would ever have noticed before I suppose. Once I had established that this would not tie me to anything at all, and that appointments were available almost immediately, I quickly booked myself in.

Yesterday, trudging through the rain into town, I wondered whether this was worth the effort, but in fact despite my damp feet and having to wear a mask at all times, it was glorious. I now know exactly what to do! It just takes a friendly person with a reasonably authoritative air to listen to me a bit (to judge which ludicrous ideas not to suggest to me too soon I suppose) and then come up with a few little suggestions and an offer to send samples and pictures. 

On returning home, I swiftly had Mr J on his knees sanding a corner of the floorboards. This established that it would be perfectly feasible to strip and oil these  (the floorboards, not his knees) – and that it would be infinitely better if we got someone in to do it. I have already made the request.

Funny how my lack of vision and inability to make decisions can sometimes be thwarted by an expert I’ve never met before.

She had pink hair.

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