I am horrified. Never in my life have I put up Christmas decorations in the first week of December. If possible, I flee the country at this time of year in order, amongst other very good reasons, to put off the Christmas preparations. This time last year I was tipsy (and then freezing) in Hamburg.
This year, of course, is different. I cannot go overseas and, until a few days ago, I couldn’t really go anywhere else either. I’m worried about mixing, and keep getting those pings from the NHS App which tell me I’ve been near someone who’s tested positive for COVID (and then the – ‘but don’t worry this time’ message – so far, anyway).
So I thought I might do a bit of slightly earlier online shopping. But decorating? No way, I’ll wait for my daughter to come home (if that’s still allowed by Christmas week) and she can do most of it. She is much better than I am, and also that is a much better time of year. My mother’s birthday was 21st December and that is about the time when I feel it is permissible to get all Christmassy. Or the last weekend before 25th December, if that is earlier.
I have been thwarted though. Our road WhatsApp group decided that we should all put lights outside or in the front windows of our houses and have a big switching on ceremony with Santa visiting the small children etc. This was such a nice idea – and a great opportunity to gather outdoors – socially distanced of course (it is a wide road!) – and have a chat.
I could have maintained an ostrich or Scrooge approach and opted out, but I don’t have the moral energy right now. And in fact I would rather sacrifice a few old principles and build the neighbourhood morale and friendship.
My outdoor lights are almost a first for us. Although somewhat amateurish, they are still quite pretty. And the artificial tree which I have erected temporarily and bedecked with the more garish of our lights, is actually rather sweet. My daughter will still have the honour of decorating the much larger real tree we intend to buy … soon.
Mind you – I drew the line at leaving all the empty fairy light boxes around the house which is what usually seems to happen over Christmas. A whole month of that is simply not acceptable. So it’s done me a favour really, and I cleared them into a corner of one room for the duration. No doubt I’ll forget where they are by January…
I’d share a picture, but technology is having a hissy fit today and I can only seem to work WordPress from my Macbook – which in turn will not allow access to my latest photos. So, you’ll just have to imagine the twinkliness of the lights etc. Or make do with this rather blurry image. You get the general drift.