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Suddenly we were bowling down the A3 towards the coast, green leaf-buds and yellow gorse lining the way. After more than three weeks with nowhere to go, this was an amazing escape.

We’d passed the more photogenic parts, but still – the freedom!!!

It has been frustrating to be unable to do any of the practical tasks requested by our neighbourhood WhatsApp organiser (in particular I cannot sew), so it was a great relief to realise that the full diesel tank in our otherwise idle car could be put to good use in a quick trip to pick up sail fabric from a supplier in Hampshire, urgently needed for those more nimble-thimble neighbours who are creating surgical gowns.

Not sure what was better – the virtuous feeling of doing something useful, or the ‘permission’ and freedom to drive somewhere.

As we drove, we agreed to consider today as one of our holiday days.

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